The Research and Development initiative is designed to support economic expansion through pioneering research and development endeavors. Whether you're engaging in Industrial Research or Experimental Development, this program offers essential assistance to drive forward-thinking innovation.
Scope of Innovation
The Research and Development initiative aims to facilitate economic growth by fostering innovation within undertakings. Whether your project focuses on Industrial Research or Experimental Development, this program provides vital support to push the boundaries of knowledge and drive technological advancement.
Types of Support
Undertakings can benefit from cash grants or tax credits to support their Research and Development projects. This flexible approach ensures businesses can choose the most suitable option to fuel their innovation initiatives and achieve their strategic objectives.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs encompass a wide range of expenses essential for Research and Development projects, including wage costs of personnel engaged in the project, instruments and equipment, contractual research, technical knowledge, patents, lands and buildings, and other operating expenses. This comprehensive coverage ensures that enterprises have the resources to drive innovation forward.
Size and Assistance
SMEs and Large Enterprises can participate in the Research and Development initiative, ensuring businesses of all sizes can leverage support to drive innovation. With a maximum grant of up to €35,000,000 per undertaking for industrial research and up to €25,000,000 per undertaking for experimental development, enterprises can access substantial support to fuel their innovation projects. The aid intensity may be increased depending on the location of the project, further incentivising innovation in specific areas.
Application Deadline
The application deadline for the Research and Development initiative is September 30, 2026, providing ample time for enterprises to plan and execute their innovation projects.